Bitterroot Gem & Mineral Society

Bitterroot Gem & Mineral Society

(406) 961-3347
Meeting Address
Victor at 121 South Tudor St across from the park.

MEETINGS held on the second Thursday of each Month at 6:30 p.m. with the exception of winter months. Meetings are held on the second Saturday at 2:00 during October, November, December, January and February & March.
Victor, MT 59875
Mailing Address
PO Box 622
Corvallis, MT 59828

Corvalis, MT 598280-0622
All dues are on (or before), January 1st of each year, for the calendar year. Please Mail your Check for the Years Dues to : BGMS P.O. Box 942 Hamilton MT 59840 -0942
Due Date: Dec 31
Single Member: $10
Couples Dues: $20
Family Dues: $20
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